“ Love is love” has won a victory on this day! June 26, 2015 will live in the annals of American history as a landmark day in human rights because marriage equality is now the law of our land.
It has been a 22-year journey for justice by our PFLAG Boulder County chapter which began with the agonizing disbelief of a handful of Boulder parents, allies, and LGBT people that Colorado citizens voted to make discrimination against gays and lesbians a constitutional amendment. We few were joined by many across Boulder County and eventually across our country that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their families deserve full legal rights. We are proud and deeply moved by the social progress that has evolved in our lifetime. We are grateful to legislators and judges whose policies and decisions have affirmed our passion for change.
However, as we know all too painfully about racial equality, passing laws is only the beginning of erasing the prejudice that affects attitudes and behaviors. As we mourn the loss of lives of black Americans in Charleston on this same day, we reaffirm our commitment to bring “liberty and justice for all” a reality for all our citizens. PFLAG in its 375 chapters in all our fifty states will continue its work to change minds and hearts to make real the American Dream of equality for our transgender brothers and sisters, our racial and ethnic minorities, all who do not yet feel safe and welcome to be who they are.
Today I will hang my American flag from my balcony as a symbol of hope and of recommitment to continue the work for full equality and belonging for all Americans.